SMARTeaching – Co-Design a Classroom Policy on Generative AI with Your Learners

Co-designing a classroom policy about text generative AI with students actively engages them in the learning process, and, critically, it ensures their voices and concerns are better represented, enhances transparency around academic integrity, and creates student buy-in to abide by the stated policy. In this workshop, attendees grappled with how we might handle the shifting AI technological landscape using design justice as a guiding framework. Infusing AI technologies in our active learning strategies can assist learning in equitable ways; however, we must continuously critically evaluate how approaches to text generating AI can disadvantage those traditionally excluded and historically minoritized in higher education (Addy, et. al., 2023). Participants explore and share their own instructional approaches to AI technologies, analyze equitable approaches to AI technologies using a design justice lens, and consider how we can co-design an AI classroom policy with learners that works better for everyone.
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